Part 3 Exercise Seeing The Light [Level 1 Unit 1]


Using only an image of a light bulb, the word ‘light bulb’ and a block of any colour, at east 20 different designs are to be created that explore visual dynamics, for example like this one given in the course work-book :


So, I have experimented to explore the visual dynamics by trying various compositions, using each element at different sizes, cropped photo if necessary, keeping the block of colour of any size, layered the elements, to create sense of space, depth and contrasts.

I have used CorelDRAW for this purpose and used colours black and white for text, font Arial bold, blue for the block of colour and downloaded the image of light bulb from the given source. I have placed 30 rectangles, (each rectangle of width 31 mm and height 44 mm) as a grid.

light bulb